


Juliet Romeo Tabbara,

certified holistic health/wellness coach & nutritionist.

  • National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach

  • Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach 

  • Masters in Nutrition & Integrative Health

  • Bachelors in Psychology 

I created Nourish Within Wellness to help women rest, digest, & achieve balance with holistic healing and self-care strategies designed to soothe stress, reduce toxins, heal inflammation, and nourish your body, mind, & energy.

The conjoined N & W in my logo symbolizes how all systems within our bodies are connected and work together in unity to keep us healthy. The curvature of the N & W represents the ups and downs of living with chronic illness, and the perfectly imperfect circle embracing both letters represents a unique, holistic, organic approach to healing.


I utilize evidence-based strategies and principles of integrative nutrition and functional medicine. I focus on a whole-person, individualized approach to identifying and addressing the root cause(s) of your symptoms, factoring in all aspects of your health and wellness. It’s not just what you eat, but how you eat, and why you are eating. And, food is only one form of nourishment that our bodies need in order to thrive. I believe nourishment comes not only from food, but from within. I take time to listen and help you determine the unique nourishment you need from all aspects of your lifestyle and discover how to achieve balance and heal.

Through holistic health coaching and nutrition counseling, I will partner with you (and in some cases your doctor) to create an individualized plan to help you understand your symptoms and medical diagnosis(s). Together we’ll create an eating plan and lifestyle habits that are tailored to your unique body and goals. As a team, we’ll uncover, address and remove underlying causes and triggers of your nagging symptoms, bring the body back into balance naturally, and create more space in your life for wellness and happiness.  

The body has an amazing innate capacity to heal itself. You can regain your energy, heal your gut, and improve your overall well-being. I can provide you with the right tools tailored to your preferences so you can take control of how you live your life and focus on what feeds your soul. 


A Bit About Me 

I am living proof that we are capable of healing our bodies naturally! As someone who has struggled most of her life with chronic symptoms from autoimmune disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Interstitial Cystitis, unmanaged stress, tension headaches, and hormonal imbalance, I have first-hand experience healing myself by addressing the root causes of my complex symptoms. Through proper nourishment, prioritizing rest & self care, and a mindset makeover, I have chosen to take control of my health. You can too! I am devoted to helping others like you who are struggling with similar symptoms and conditions discover true wellness.

I live in beautiful southern California, but my roots are in St. Louis, MO, home to my extended family, who are a very important part of my life. My curious and silly toddler son, Venice, inspires me to be the best version of myself by living mindfully and with intention. As his mother, I set the example that anything is possible as long as you take good care of your body and mind, believe in yourself, and never give up. I’ve been with my compassionate and kind husband, Tarek for over 15 years. He has been patient, loving and understanding throughout the years as I balanced working full time while also furthering my education, taking care of our family, and prioritizing self-care, all while navigating the challenges of chronic illness.

I love hiking and being in nature. I find yoga to be therapeutic and centering, and also enjoy Pilates and spinning. Venice and I love baking together and specialize in plant-based, gluten-free and refined sugar free, but very yummy treats. We share the love of dark chocolate! We take joy in tending to our little backyard garden. I appreciate the simple things in life: sipping wine or coffee and chatting with close friends, shopping at the local farmers market on Sundays, a quiet date night with my husband, family walks together with our pup, Pepper, trying new plant-based gluten-free recipes, lazy Saturdays at the beach, and quality time with friends and family.

Personal philosophy on food

I do not believe in a one-size-fits-all way of eating, and personally don’t like the word “diet.” My eating choices focus is on highly nutritious, mostly organic/non-GMO, plant-based whole foods with the occasional sustainably caught wild fish.  I also choose not to eat gluten or dairy due to the effects on my autoimmune disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It’s important for me to feel good about what I put into my body, and to eat foods that not only are nourishing, but also taste delicious, and are simple to prepare, while being conscious of how my choices impact my health, and our planet. 

Tell Me About You

Learn more about my personal health journey.